Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sleepless In The Blogosphere

Awake, beautiful blogger, awake...!

Oh, you are awake already...?
You're an insomniac, actually!
And you can't stop blogging at night...
Er... Cool!
Blog on...

Photo: Daphné Caron - URBANIA

Verily, if fellow wordsmiths 
-so-called journalists of the new millennium-
bother and care, long enough, 
to go and interview this blogger...
promote her blog...
officially give it their seal of approval...
How could I overlook it, here, 
on my good ol' Blogs To Denote... hmm?

Three things to keep in mind, though, before you check it out: 
it is on Wordpress... (strike one?) 
You need to be able to read French... (strike two!) 
And... well... it's like the whole chick flick thing there; 
this is a chick blog, too...?  
Now, I watch chick flicks all the time; 
but it might not be everyone's cup of tea...?

Hence, before you go and check it out, 
you should check out this article/interview 
with the blogger herself: 
Catherine Fouron 
(quel nom...!)
photographed by Daphné Caron for that occasion 
and (briefly) interviewed
(quizzed, really...) 
by up-and-coming chroniqueuse 
and out-of-the-closet-and-about 
Judith Lussier...

Now, if Mrs. Fouron's blogging 
is anything like Miss Lussier's 
ah, contributions 
to that newspaper (...) 
(which it logically should be; 
since the former attracted the latter's attention...)
well, I must say it will be 
something a tad irritating, at times...

I shall keep this tabbed as 
''reading for later''
(as in NBC's Later, yes -
same concept!)

Only if I cannot sleep, therefore...

Read the article (click the original article's pic, below) 
while you can - for it is online, too... for now!
And then you may check out 
the actual blog that we're denoting here today: 

Gee... she looks as though she may have died there, when vertical...
Why sleep when you can blog though - indeed! 
Plenty of time to sleep once you buy the farm...

Lussier's stuff 
cannot be so easily avoided: 
as it is, quite often, 
the only reading material around 
on any given day 
and readily available 
(heck, handed to you; 
every time you pass by 
walking distance 
of a subway station 
in certain townships...! 
But that's another story...


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