Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Jeremy Crow 4 Life

You saw this screen capture before here: 

It is imperative, however, to precise 
that this is not the first Jeremy Crow 
that could pop up as a search result, 
if you would simply Google the name...
''Crow'' is a highly suspicious last name; 
it might not even be his real name! 
And the fact is that, there is another 
Jeremy Crow out there 
(looks like a different dude, anyway!) 
one who is all over the place, too 
-Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter- 
and it is not the same guy - at all. 
The other Crow is... a satanist!
We would never support one of those, 
here, on the TLB PRIME NETWORK! 
Nor would Blogger, on its own 
''blogs of note'' feature, 
we are certain... 

So, make sure that your ''J.C.'' 
(if He Is not Jesus Christ Himself, that is) 
is, at least, the one we are showcasing today: 
''JeremyCrow4Life'' a.k.a the self-proclaimed 
and not the other guy who 
claims to be an ''archon'' 
from hell itself or something...!!! 

Having established that 
all-important dichotomy, 
let us draw the parallel now  
... just like I took the habit of invoking 
the lifestyles... quirks... or just style... 
of a plethora of 
over at my very own super-popular blog 

''J.C.'' here 
has made it his mission 
to invoke the wisdom 
or many women 
such as Kirsty Gallagher there 
on his mega-hit of a blog...
(okay, sometimes it is the wisdom of 
some male celebrity; Vince Vaughn was spotlighted, 
recently enough... And Sam Walton...
But it was after Bonnie Bedelia,  
Hope Davis and Kirsty were!)

As one who came from a matriarchy 
espoused into one as well 
and always believed in the concept, 
I can only applaud the initiative. 
And declare Jeremy's blog 
one of them *blogs to denote* 
- indeed! 

Ironically enough, JeremyCrow4Life also spotlights other bloggers he deems to be ''well worth noting'' as well...! He does it on - and although that dubious title (or whacko) is quite befitting to a ''T'' for one who would claim to be an archon of luciferian roots... 
We totally doubt that such a character would be distributing nods of approval to other bloggers and acknowledging the wisdom of noteworthy chaps and gals (mostly gals) left and right like this ''4Life'' guy does...! The other guy would just sing the praises of the devil himself - period! 
NOT our cup of tea... 

Yeah - as far as our whackos go, 
we reserve the right to remain 
quite selective...

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