Friday, July 18, 2014

Wrestling Shenanigans

Not much of a blog here, this time - 
(and, no - we do not mean our post per say: 
talking about the subject we've chosen to showcase 
this time out - okay? Do not pretend 
''not to get it'' - even if you are 
hardcore wrestling fans...! LOL)

Corporate blogs can be spotlighted here, from time to time, too! 
Even when the corporation is one such as ''Titan Sports''...!
or on some other ''live blogs''
(courtesy of ''cagedside seats'' - yikes, 
that might be a little-too-close to the action, 
for those who are a trifle faint of heart!
Also known as the blood-spattered ringside seat fans;
but that's another -gruesome- story...) 
-and since there are so many other sites that cater to those
true-blue, hardcore fans, we'll leave it to them
to tell THAT tale- 
the wretched WWE is our sole focal point today, here,  
and yes, truly, it never fails to attempt to drive
their one-sided viewpoint across: 
which is moot, at best... 

Isn't it ironic though that they have themselves uploaded 
conclusive evidence that their product 
was perfected and delivered far better 
by their competitor - WCW - back in the day? 
The match featured above 
sets in action an array of NWA-WCW stars 
and only one by-product of the old ''WWF'' 
before it got bodyslammed by the panda, in court, 
and was forced into getting ''the F out'' 
effectively becoming the ''WWE'' of today?
But that's another story, too... 

This evidence, however, is bittersweet at best, too: 
this is action taking place in 1999, 
three short years after the events of 1996 
which had set the world of wrestling on fire 
with the nWo storyline 
which set up the Hulkster there 
as the ''antichrist of wrestling'' - 
and Ric Flair as his sworn enemy, 
representing the tradition of the sport, 
while their opponents here 
-Sting, Lex Luger and DDP-
were caught in-between the two camps, 
in truth, 
but standing, for the most part, 
on the side of tradition, 
which was the NWA legacy,
which was WCW...

And here they are all confused
and fighting on the wrong side,
each and every one of them!

Maybe this is why 
it failed  so miserably afterwards
and was eventually swallowed whole 
by its competitor, as early as 2001...
WCW sinned 
in a worse way than any of the seven sins 
(one of which was the title 
of a pay-per-view offering of theirs, 
once more extremely ironically enough, 
in that final year of operations: 
2001's WCW GREED...
Their last event of the kind.
Previously, they had had a ''WCW SIN'' too...)

The actual sin was to become as incoherent,
inconsistent and outright disrespectful of its fanbase 
as the competition had always been - 
with the true pernicious nature 
of that ''antichrist of wrestling'' 
(as Larry Zbyszko dubbed him)
becoming all-too apparent, in the process: 
his creative control 
was too much -
and it was so painfully obvious,
all through that magical run from 1996 to 2000, 
but especially in this very match
right here...

All this is not very likely to be revealed
-or even dwelt upon, all that much- 
in any of the above-linked blogs...!


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