Saturday, April 05, 2014

VaVaVoom Vlogger

Photo: courtesy of MTV News

Grace Helbig has made it real big now - she was recognized for her vlogging habit in a huge way when MTV crowned her the Vlogger of the Year a mere few months ago. 2013's best vlogger edged out stiff competition for this coveted title: chief among them, 15 year-old Tyler Oakley who is doing wonders, apparently, over at our old friend YouTube... (And we thought RayWilliamJohnson and Philip DeFranco jointly or not so-jointly co-ruled that platform - hmm?)

''Daily Grace'' (love the name - notwithstanding some peeps who see it as near-blasphemy; me, I see a nod to religious fervor by adapting it to the modern tendencies; besides, she was blessed enough to be given that name at birth, no? It is hers to use as she wants - or needs.) won out by a landslide as the votes poured in all in her favor at the most crucial time. Polls had been opened for three days, from December 17th to the 19th, with the results being made public by MTV on the 20th. What a nice Christmas gift she received then!

Grace graciously accepted her prize and title over the same medium she delivers her magic every other day: she recognized that all the other vloggers who had been in the running right until the end were ''wonderful, talented content creators'' and that she was just fortunate to have been ''lumped into'' the whole mix of them here. Aside from whiz kid Tyler on YouTube, there was stiff competition coming from all corners indeed; and in such a diversified fashion as well... The names alone can tell the tale: JacksGap, iJustine, Glove and Boots, Cameron Dallas, Shane Dawson and the most intriguing of all: Lohanthony about whom Daily Grace herself has only the greatest compliments to utter: says she, listening to ''Lohanthony will change your world and perspective'' - nothing less. (We must utter at least one ''whaaat'' here though: not a even a nod for UhOhBro...? What gives...?!?)

In the end, though, the MTV crowd has spoken: on the TV station that speaks louder and faster than its own shadow, a vlogger has been crowned, once more, the surest-fire, most reliable quick and consumable delivery of what's happening out there all over the place on the ever trusty web!  This contest has been going for a few years now and several ''ce-Web-rities'' have been legitimized in this way; it is Daily Gr... (okay, I can't type it anymore - let's just shorten it to ''D.G.'' already!) ... D.G.'s turn, hence, to enjoy her newfound (for spread wider than ever now) ''ce-Web-rity'' and let her enjoy it to the fullest! (For we know that if Jenna Marbles had it now, she sure would!)

Long live the Queen of Vlogging, eh?  (Sorry, Marina Orlova - it isn't you!)


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