Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Awake, beautiful blogger, awake...!
Oh, you are awake already...?
You're an insomniac, actually!
And you can't stop blogging at night...
Er... Cool!
Blog on...
Photo: Daphné Caron - URBANIA
Verily, if fellow wordsmiths
-so-called journalists of the new millennium-
bother and care, long enough,
to go and interview this blogger...
promote her blog...
officially give it their seal of approval...
How could I overlook it, here,
on my good ol' Blogs To Denote... hmm?
Three things to keep in mind, though, before you check it out:
it is on Wordpress... (strike one?)
You need to be able to read French... (strike two!)
And... well... it's like the whole chick flick thing there;
this is a chick blog, too...?
Now, I watch chick flicks all the time;
but it might not be everyone's cup of tea...?
Hence, before you go and check it out,
you should check out this article/interview
with the blogger herself:
Catherine Fouron
(quel nom...!)
photographed by Daphné Caron for that occasion
and (briefly) interviewed
(quizzed, really...)
by up-and-coming chroniqueuse
and out-of-the-closet-and-about
Judith Lussier...
Now, if Mrs. Fouron's blogging
is anything like Miss Lussier's
ah, contributions
to that newspaper (...)
(which it logically should be;
since the former attracted the latter's attention...)
well, I must say it will be
something a tad irritating, at times...
I shall keep this tabbed as
''reading for later''
(as in NBC's Later, yes -
same concept!)
Only if I cannot sleep, therefore...
Read the article (click the original article's pic, below)
while you can - for it is online, too... for now!
And then you may check out
the actual blog that we're denoting here today:
Gee... she looks as though she may have died there, when vertical...
Why sleep when you can blog though - indeed!
Plenty of time to sleep once you buy the farm...
Lussier's stuff
cannot be so easily avoided:
as it is, quite often,
the only reading material around
on any given day
and readily available
(heck, handed to you;
every time you pass by
walking distance
of a subway station
in certain townships...!
But that's another story...
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