Wednesday, August 08, 2012

LL 2.0

Lo, and Behold 
the NEW Luminous Land on the Horizon! 

Bravenet did it 
just as GeoCities before them 
(remember those...?!?

Not to mention 
MSN's ''Live Spaces'' 
Yahoo 360º 
and other cheapskates 
out there 
on the Wild Wild Web... 

The difference here is notable though: 
for where all the others simply folded 
or gave less of a service than before 
(after the big changes...) 
Bravenet did provide 
a new and improved service 
as a replacement for the one 
that they just discontinued! 
That is all to their credit. 
Bravo, Bravenet! 
Mighty brave of thee, I must say...! 

is light years ahead 
of the rather primitive 
(even if cozy and charming nonetheless) 
old Bravehost service. 
Day and Night, I tell you! 
It is, thus, highly recommended 
(and yes, I dare recommend it right here, 
on rival Blogger's own turf! 
Hey - I was using Bravenet tools 
on my *network* 
made up of various 
Blogger blogs 
from day one! 
Never be surprised 
with my luminous chutzpah! 

has thus made up 
for its faux pas 
and given back 
with the same hand 
that they tooketh away...!

And it gives a certain 
luminous pundit blogger 
yet another venue 
to lay it all out on...! 

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