Friday, December 31, 2021

Valkommen! Benvenuta! Kalo̱sórisma!

Now, this blog here is quite ah, well ***different***
from all the other blogs that you may have encountered so far, part of this network...!
Aye, this one is different -by its aim-

 from both categories that we'll be casting in (very) virtual stone here
with each spotlight attributed: 
Blogger or not Blogger, first off!
For we will include those to be found on Blogger itself -duh- as well as those from anywhere else, really,
as well as -occasionally- some from that most 

*distinguished category*
comprising those other blogs that 

actually make up the
TLB Prime Network 

right here...! 
(Hey - my own horn's prerogative, ok?)
For this one is simply a blog ABOUT blogs!
A blog that simply aims to give
*the spotlight* to blogs 

that the Blogger staff
will, maybe and most probably, 

never give it to...
whether purposefully or not!
This is a blog that rights things that way
and rectifies them - in its own way!
And this blogger pundit right here
(that's me - luminous (\ô/) luciano!)
reserves the right to predict
which blogs MIGHT be given the nod
by the "blogs of note" dudes...
And which ones never should

- or never should have! 
Forgive the verve here; 
but it's true!
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not reaffirm here that,
unlike the Blogger staff,
I am not bound by company policy
so I can spotlight blogs here
from any provider there is indeed -
as I see fit, obviously!
Typepad, Wordpress, Bravenet
Tumblr, whatever - you name it!
Still, having said all this
(or really typed it all)
I must add that
it is my deep conviction that
come 12/31/21
blogging of any kind
will be the furthest thing
from most people's minds!


One last thing though, before we go -
we'll also be doing vlogs here:

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