Stardust Memories
Such is the case with the blog to denote today - Cody Rhodes' contribution to Brandi Runnels' blog, a powerful, emotional bit of blogging titled ''the last bionic elbow.''
There are those who have no idea what this title may be referring to; it refers to wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes' foremost offensive move - it was christened as such, most certainly, to sound futuristic and cool, as all of America is bound to be, assuredly. The wrestler in question here was dubbed ''American Dream Dusty Rhodes'' after all - he had to embody all of it. His son Cody is now known by the ring name of ''Stardust'' and recently lured into the squared circle a star of the small screen in yet another one of those cross-entertainment forays like the elder Rhodes was accustomed to. For this most recent occasion, Stephen Arnell, the star of the CW's Arrow television series, had a match with ''Stardust'' which was entertaining and unusual - the sort of thing that would have made the latter's father very proud indeed. A perennial presence of his sport for several decades, the American Dream was, after all, also an innovator of it.
But he has been gone for months now - yet, touchingly, the son's grieving continues in earnest.
It truly brings back memories here - both of the elder's battles with equally legendary members of the Four Horsemen, as most personal memories...
And it is as one ''Atlantean'' says, in a comment he left on the blog in question here (and once you click on the link, you will see the comment first, actually - scroll back up the page for Cody ''Stardust'' Rhodes' emotional blog per say) - it really is like that: our fathers are not gone. Believe this. They are up there - in the stars. Their essence has not evaporated into the ether, no; they remain, in essence, with us - just as they ascended back where we all came from...
And we will see them again. One day. But that day is not afoot just yet... not just yet.