Saturday, January 24, 2015


We would be remiss if we didn't join the movement 
for the freedom -and unconditional pardon- 
of fellow blogger Raif Badawi 
recently condemned to years in prison 
on top of being flogged a thousand times 
for the mere act of blogging.

But can we truly hope for anything -
Hashtags such as #FREERAIF 
and, perhaps, #ACartoonAgainstEveryLash 
are flourishing - and fighting on... 
For blogging rights, rather than bragging ones...
For ''free-dommmmm'' -
and, yeah, we all know what that got 
William Wallace...

Everyone and their (most) D.C. (distant cousin) 
has joined on this worldwide rally 
clamoring for the immediate release of Raif 
and dispensing of the remaining hundreds 
of punitive whiplashes 
that were set to be administered 
to his scrawny back...
and all that just for having blogged!

Of course, I would draw a parallel 
between this ''radical blogger'' 
(it's a form of radicalism as seen by 
the Saudi Arabian regime, yes;
me, I haven't even read Raif's blog!)
and the recent tragedy that struck 
a bunch of freethinking cartoonists 
that often displayed a very bad sense 
of what humor is or is supposed to be -
and were met with swift retribution 
coming from the hands 
(from the guns, mostly) 
of radicals all their own...

Where the above picture was taken 
(in greater Canada - but, to be more specific 
somewhere closer to that nation's capital
political party leaders with an eye on power 
(namely the NDP's Thomas Mulcair)
and well-known journalists (there) 
have vehemently joined this public outcry 
- even more loudly so, strangely enough, 
than for the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France.
Imagine that.

La liberté de quoi - d'être con? D'offusquer des cons?
Faudrait définir, une bonne fois...

Now, you know me by now - do you not? 
I will be squarely on the side of a blogger 
much more so than by a crude cartoonist's 
so-called journalist's back... 
I paraphrased Voltaire, in social media, 
in re: Charlie...
I stated that, like Voltaire, I would fight 
for the right that they have to express 
themselves, surely; 
but it would be inversely proportional 
to my degree of disagreement (or agreement)
with what they say or do...
In other words, 
if I profoundly dislike their crap, 
I would agree that they can still 
keep on producing such crap, 
but I would hardly lift a finger. 
Now if I happen to share the same 
point of view - then,
For, then, I would fight tooth and nail 
for the right of expression - 
for the message is worthy!
Important nuance, I think...

I doubt Mulcair and Lépine,
to name but those two, 
care so much about what was said,
written, blogged...
They are outspoken about the basic right 
to freedom of speech for one and all. 
But when one in particular and most all 
are foolish enough to express the wrong thing 
at the wrong time - and for the wrong crowd 
how can you back up such idiocy 100%...? 
One Frenchman at least made sense: 
cartoonist Jean-Michel Delambre 
                (a close friend of the Charlie Hebdo victims...)                
stated that he believes we can laugh of any subject 
but he also believes that we cannot laugh 
of just any subject with just anybody...! 

And what were the cartoonists of CH 
or this Badawi blogger thinking -
did they want to simply aggravate 
for the sake of it - 
simply because they could 
express themselves 
-in theory anyways-

There are risks to that.
It can go from a hundred 
or a thousand whiplashes 
all the way to 
une pluie de balles...

And there is also a time 
and a place 
for every truth -
that is 
if these guys had one 
worthy of sharing...

Judging from some of these CH samples, 
it is extremely doubtful:

Perhaps the only case when CH 
actually made one iota of sense...
But I am digressing...

Elles n'apportent rien de bon 
de toute façon...

The case is clear with CH...
The jury is still out on Raif.

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Saturday, January 10, 2015

''Screengrabber'' - Does That Count As A Blog-Vlog?

I don't know and I don't really care either - for this is MY blog, MY vlog (sort-of... eventually... stay tuned!) and I shall put in here what I see fit!  And so, with that in mind...

Screengrabber grabbed my attention today (thanks to a Google Doodle gone horribly wrong - don't ask!) and I just had to add it on here - on the blogs to denote!

For it made such a valuable point: Adam Sandler used to be funny. Or he used to be perceived as such! That was mainly thanks to some clever little silly songs that he'd ''perform'' on SNL - songs that aren't either melodious or actually sung, in the end - but the words, those lyrics, were clever... at times! As clever as dirty-minded kids can be when they are trying their hand at innuendo in the schoolyard, that is: but you knew that! After all, it is Sandler... That is his trademark!

However, over the last few years and films he's made, he has been branded anything and everything from ''washed up'' to ''unfunny'' and ''talentless'' outright...! But Screengrabber caught something I missed, the other night: a return to (relative) greatness for the once funny guy! I would have to go back to my old habits and watch late night TV in order to catch those things now: and if there is one thing I shall never do is ''go back'' and regress into... that again! NO WAY!  I'll waste my time on the net - thank you very much! That's where Adam Sandler himself tries to find ideas to salvage what's left of his career too, I am sure...

And so, this many years later and after so many flops, to hear (and really hear it, too: the video actually played! Try it yourself now!) that Adam has found his touch again in a one-time event, if only that (which is the send-off tune he ''composed'' for David Letterman) - I had to give kudos to the site/blog/vlog/whatever that brought those news to light: for it shall inspire and give hope to everyone else who is stuck in a rut these days - and that is, well, a whole bunch of people out there!

Go grab it, Screengrabber!

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