Jeanu Arry -whoever you are- you are a genius! What, with ''no posts'' you've managed to post such impressive results: 120 followers, over 9000 views of your twin-Google+ page (actually, the YouTube channel, Google+ thing and Blogger dashboard are triplets - so it is, now, thanks to all-mighty Google!) and, now, you singled out -once again- as one of the blogs to denote...!
Bravo, Jeanu - bravo! You and your blogger-dashboard revolution have taught us all the most precious lesson it could teach us all, verily: that we do not have to post anything, anywhere - if we don't want to! Or if we have no time... Often, that is what it is, too: we have little or no time at all to devote to these things...! Yet, we want to have our piece of the virtual pie: everyone should have his or her own YT channel... Google+ page... Blogger dashboard... Blog... Weblog... Catalog?
But I am digressing now...
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