Sunday, October 09, 2022
Friday, December 31, 2021
Valkommen! Benvenuta! Kalo̱sórisma!

from all the other blogs that you may have encountered so far, part of this network...!
Aye, this one is different -by its aim-
from both categories that we'll be casting in (very) virtual stone here
with each spotlight attributed:
Blogger or not Blogger, first off!
For we will include those to be found on Blogger itself -duh- as well as those from anywhere else, really,
as well as -occasionally- some from that most
*distinguished category*
comprising those other blogs that
actually make up the
TLB Prime Network
right here...!
(Hey - my own horn's prerogative, ok?)
For this one is simply a blog ABOUT blogs!
A blog that simply aims to give
*the spotlight* to blogs
that the Blogger staff
will, maybe and most probably,
never give it to...
whether purposefully or not!
This is a blog that rights things that way
and rectifies them - in its own way!
And this blogger pundit right here
(that's me - luminous (\ô/) luciano!)
reserves the right to predict
which blogs MIGHT be given the nod
by the "blogs of note" dudes...
And which ones never should
- or never should have!
Forgive the verve here;
but it's true!
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not reaffirm here that,
unlike the Blogger staff,
I am not bound by company policy
so I can spotlight blogs here
from any provider there is indeed -
as I see fit, obviously!
Typepad, Wordpress, Bravenet
Tumblr, whatever - you name it!
Still, having said all this
(or really typed it all)
I must add that
it is my deep conviction that
come 12/31/21
blogging of any kind
will be the furthest thing
from most people's minds!
One last thing though, before we go -
we'll also be doing vlogs here:
Labels: disclaimer, noticia, whatever
Wednesday, July 05, 2017
''Content'' Specialists
In this day and age, *everyone* is a specialist in this artform now;
as people build up their own channels, networks, social media platforms
they assemble CONTENT - to the content of their hearts!
And they pass it on - they share it with their audience!
Some redundancy is bound to be present -
but it matters not!
What matters is this:
we share - therefore we are!
Definitely as worthy of denotation
as any blog... vlog... podcast and whatnot
under the cyber sun!
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Jeremy Crow 4 Life
You saw this screen capture before here:
It is imperative, however, to precise
that this is not the first Jeremy Crow
that could pop up as a search result,
if you would simply Google the name...
''Crow'' is a highly suspicious last name;
it might not even be his real name!
And the fact is that, there is another
Jeremy Crow out there
(looks like a different dude, anyway!)
one who is all over the place, too
-Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter-
and it is not the same guy - at all.
The other Crow is... a satanist!
We would never support one of those,
here, on the TLB PRIME NETWORK!
Nor would Blogger, on its own
''blogs of note'' feature,
we are certain...
So, make sure that your ''J.C.''
(if He Is not Jesus Christ Himself, that is)
is, at least, the one we are showcasing today:
''JeremyCrow4Life'' a.k.a the self-proclaimed
and not the other guy who
claims to be an ''archon''
from hell itself or something...!!!
Having established that
all-important dichotomy,
let us draw the parallel now
... just like I took the habit of invoking
the lifestyles... quirks... or just style...
of a plethora of
over at my very own super-popular blog
''J.C.'' here
has made it his mission
to invoke the wisdom
or many women
such as Kirsty Gallagher there
on his mega-hit of a blog...
(okay, sometimes it is the wisdom of
some male celebrity; Vince Vaughn was spotlighted,
recently enough... And Sam Walton...
But it was after Bonnie Bedelia,
Hope Davis and Kirsty were!)
As one who came from a matriarchy
espoused into one as well
and always believed in the concept,
I can only applaud the initiative.
And declare Jeremy's blog
one of them *blogs to denote*
- indeed!
Ironically enough, JeremyCrow4Life also spotlights other bloggers he deems to be ''well worth noting'' as well...! He does it on - and although that dubious title (or whacko) is quite befitting to a ''T'' for one who would claim to be an archon of luciferian roots...
We totally doubt that such a character would be distributing nods of approval to other bloggers and acknowledging the wisdom of noteworthy chaps and gals (mostly gals) left and right like this ''4Life'' guy does...! The other guy would just sing the praises of the devil himself - period!
NOT our cup of tea...
Yeah - as far as our whackos go,
we reserve the right to remain
quite selective...
Labels: babes, It's The Lighter Side Alright, Luminous, Truly Batty, unusual, whatever
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
And Social Media Begat...
To be honest, there is a variety of interesting blogs out there, on multiple platforms, all directly accessible via their active promoting on social media such as Google+ or Facebook... This is but a mere fraction of all of those that tipped our curiosity recently...
Have fun hunting them all down now -
because we have better things to do
than providing you with the hyperlinks here!
Monday, September 28, 2015
Stardust Memories
Blogs and their usage reach their uttermost paramount reason of being when they are used like this: a grieving soul sharing his or her anguish, suffering or mere thoughts on what was, what was lost and what is hoped to be seen again, one way or another...
Such is the case with the blog to denote today - Cody Rhodes' contribution to Brandi Runnels' blog, a powerful, emotional bit of blogging titled ''the last bionic elbow.''
There are those who have no idea what this title may be referring to; it refers to wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes' foremost offensive move - it was christened as such, most certainly, to sound futuristic and cool, as all of America is bound to be, assuredly. The wrestler in question here was dubbed ''American Dream Dusty Rhodes'' after all - he had to embody all of it. His son Cody is now known by the ring name of ''Stardust'' and recently lured into the squared circle a star of the small screen in yet another one of those cross-entertainment forays like the elder Rhodes was accustomed to. For this most recent occasion, Stephen Arnell, the star of the CW's Arrow television series, had a match with ''Stardust'' which was entertaining and unusual - the sort of thing that would have made the latter's father very proud indeed. A perennial presence of his sport for several decades, the American Dream was, after all, also an innovator of it.
But he has been gone for months now - yet, touchingly, the son's grieving continues in earnest.
It truly brings back memories here - both of the elder's battles with equally legendary members of the Four Horsemen, as most personal memories...
And it is as one ''Atlantean'' says, in a comment he left on the blog in question here (and once you click on the link, you will see the comment first, actually - scroll back up the page for Cody ''Stardust'' Rhodes' emotional blog per say) - it really is like that: our fathers are not gone. Believe this. They are up there - in the stars. Their essence has not evaporated into the ether, no; they remain, in essence, with us - just as they ascended back where we all came from...
And we will see them again. One day. But that day is not afoot just yet... not just yet.
Such is the case with the blog to denote today - Cody Rhodes' contribution to Brandi Runnels' blog, a powerful, emotional bit of blogging titled ''the last bionic elbow.''
There are those who have no idea what this title may be referring to; it refers to wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes' foremost offensive move - it was christened as such, most certainly, to sound futuristic and cool, as all of America is bound to be, assuredly. The wrestler in question here was dubbed ''American Dream Dusty Rhodes'' after all - he had to embody all of it. His son Cody is now known by the ring name of ''Stardust'' and recently lured into the squared circle a star of the small screen in yet another one of those cross-entertainment forays like the elder Rhodes was accustomed to. For this most recent occasion, Stephen Arnell, the star of the CW's Arrow television series, had a match with ''Stardust'' which was entertaining and unusual - the sort of thing that would have made the latter's father very proud indeed. A perennial presence of his sport for several decades, the American Dream was, after all, also an innovator of it.
But he has been gone for months now - yet, touchingly, the son's grieving continues in earnest.
It truly brings back memories here - both of the elder's battles with equally legendary members of the Four Horsemen, as most personal memories...
And it is as one ''Atlantean'' says, in a comment he left on the blog in question here (and once you click on the link, you will see the comment first, actually - scroll back up the page for Cody ''Stardust'' Rhodes' emotional blog per say) - it really is like that: our fathers are not gone. Believe this. They are up there - in the stars. Their essence has not evaporated into the ether, no; they remain, in essence, with us - just as they ascended back where we all came from...
And we will see them again. One day. But that day is not afoot just yet... not just yet.
Sunday, July 05, 2015
Fit & Tell
Bryan never sang it so well as this: ''Fit and Tell... Your body... can speak volumes! Fit and Tell... anything... will fit your contours! Fit and Tell... Fit and Tell... Fit and Tell... everything... candy for the eye... Fit and Tell... telling you... sculpt your body now!''
Shakeology helping, you too can achieve the same amazing results described on this weblog right here - believe it! Because it is going to happen: if you make it happen!
Independent Beachbody coach Antje Arnold is one in a legion of such coaches that help people shape themselves into a new and vastly improved version of themselves!
One of their programs -the ''21 Day Fix'' as it is called- promises to make you over into a near-perfect specimen, ready to hit that beach and run with the best of them ''Baywatchers'' types...!
But you gotta be willing to put in those minutes and hours and days of training now - and here is but one of a myriad possible examples of what you're looking at whenever you embark upon such a regime and way of life! The rewards will be yours to reap afterwards, though, so, well - just do it!
Shakeology helping, you too can achieve the same amazing results described on this weblog right here - believe it! Because it is going to happen: if you make it happen!
One of their programs -the ''21 Day Fix'' as it is called- promises to make you over into a near-perfect specimen, ready to hit that beach and run with the best of them ''Baywatchers'' types...!
But you gotta be willing to put in those minutes and hours and days of training now - and here is but one of a myriad possible examples of what you're looking at whenever you embark upon such a regime and way of life! The rewards will be yours to reap afterwards, though, so, well - just do it!
Monday, May 18, 2015
So... What Kind Of Patriot Are YOU?
The question can be asked as all of Canada celebrates their ''Queen Victoria Day'' - but one tiny province in its midst is found celebrating ''La Fête des Patriotes'' instead! Basically, three quarters or four fifths of that messy, confused so-called nation celebrates a crown (and a queen) that the fifth (estate?) counters by honoring the memory of those who fought (mostly bled to death, really; as some of their noteworthy poems say so well) that very same monarchy, trying to rid themselves of it...! (They should have taken lessons from the Portuguese and the French: two true nations that actually did get rid of the lazy-asses/profiteers that sat on the thrones! But that's another story...)
And all this exactly one week ahead of the United States' own Memorial Day...
And speaking of which...
These days, the most celebrated one unquestionably is the cheating Patriot who cheats in order to compete within a league of cheaters on the gridiron of destiny - but he cheats intelligently (at first anyways) before descending into easy subterfuges meant to take (some if not most of) the air out of his opponent; or, rather, mere obstacle standing on his way to success!
But that's another story, meant for another blog post really...
The patriot à la Mel Gibson: now, that is a honorable classic!
Patriotism means different things for different cultures: a national hero can and should be something other than a natural at bloodshed and all-around self-sacrificial, reckless type. It an be a cultural icon: it can be a singer...
Incidentally, the ''Patriotes'' flag in Culbec looks a hell of a lot like the Italian colors - but sideways, horizontal in fact. The Gino way, one could say? But that's another story too - and another sidetrack.
When one speaks of patriotism, though, one always thinks of the USA - somehow... And since I started with the New England variety of patriotism, let's get right back into it with their favorite hero of all-time, no question about it (especially since it has been local boy Chris Evans portraying him on the big screen there, amidst all that explosive avenging action...)
Now these guys are true patriots, if you ask me...
But then there is the odd French twist on that: a patriot who went against the grain and bled to death ''so that the earth beneath his feet could thrive'' if one transliterates word for word here...
They even have a hockey team in this motif - in desperate-for-taxpaying-citizens Beauharnois...
Granted, when one says ''patriote'' and ''French'' here, it is meant to describe the oddest bunch of unrooted (déraciné) chaps there could be: descendants of first settlers who may have come from France but were, very quickly too, doomed to become a distorted version of it in no time at all: hence was born ''le Québécois'' (more on that on June the 24th... maybe!)
If you are this kind of Patriote, you will be found sipping beer on the first Monday before June 25th - every single year. You'll have some vague idea that it is about some guys who paid the price so your allegedly Belle Province became, er, how to put it nicely... what it is today! And you will not know exactly why you have an off-day; you'll just be happy you do!
As Canada celebrates its Queen Victoria Day, one tiny part of the country has its Fête des Patriotes which is all about the anti-British crown regime there, a firm misguided stance if there ever was one in those forlorn parts, back in the day... No wonder that country is one hell of hodge-podge of confusion populated by inept legislators that take after Clouseau more than de Gaulle; vive le Québec libre, hein? Libre... de quoi? De faire tout plein d'erreurs lamentables? But since it is always on such an insignificant scale, it goes unnoticed and, therefore, it isn't a big deal at all, so...
The best blog we found that promotes patriotism would have to be this one; for it brings another extremely important dimension into the equation - compassion!
And, so, let's be compassionate and let the Culbec off the hook here, now - one more time...
(For the time being, that is!)
And all this exactly one week ahead of the United States' own Memorial Day...
And speaking of which...
These days, the most celebrated one unquestionably is the cheating Patriot who cheats in order to compete within a league of cheaters on the gridiron of destiny - but he cheats intelligently (at first anyways) before descending into easy subterfuges meant to take (some if not most of) the air out of his opponent; or, rather, mere obstacle standing on his way to success!
But that's another story, meant for another blog post really...
The patriot à la Mel Gibson: now, that is a honorable classic!
Granted, there were two films to choose from here:
and I chose the one about an European hero,
rather than this! Sue me, will ya?
Patriotism means different things for different cultures: a national hero can and should be something other than a natural at bloodshed and all-around self-sacrificial, reckless type. It an be a cultural icon: it can be a singer...
Incidentally, the ''Patriotes'' flag in Culbec looks a hell of a lot like the Italian colors - but sideways, horizontal in fact. The Gino way, one could say? But that's another story too - and another sidetrack.
When one speaks of patriotism, though, one always thinks of the USA - somehow... And since I started with the New England variety of patriotism, let's get right back into it with their favorite hero of all-time, no question about it (especially since it has been local boy Chris Evans portraying him on the big screen there, amidst all that explosive avenging action...)
Now these guys are true patriots, if you ask me...
But then there is the odd French twist on that: a patriot who went against the grain and bled to death ''so that the earth beneath his feet could thrive'' if one transliterates word for word here...
Granted, when one says ''patriote'' and ''French'' here, it is meant to describe the oddest bunch of unrooted (déraciné) chaps there could be: descendants of first settlers who may have come from France but were, very quickly too, doomed to become a distorted version of it in no time at all: hence was born ''le Québécois'' (more on that on June the 24th... maybe!)
If you are this kind of Patriote, you will be found sipping beer on the first Monday before June 25th - every single year. You'll have some vague idea that it is about some guys who paid the price so your allegedly Belle Province became, er, how to put it nicely... what it is today! And you will not know exactly why you have an off-day; you'll just be happy you do!
As Canada celebrates its Queen Victoria Day, one tiny part of the country has its Fête des Patriotes which is all about the anti-British crown regime there, a firm misguided stance if there ever was one in those forlorn parts, back in the day... No wonder that country is one hell of hodge-podge of confusion populated by inept legislators that take after Clouseau more than de Gaulle; vive le Québec libre, hein? Libre... de quoi? De faire tout plein d'erreurs lamentables? But since it is always on such an insignificant scale, it goes unnoticed and, therefore, it isn't a big deal at all, so...
The best blog we found that promotes patriotism would have to be this one; for it brings another extremely important dimension into the equation - compassion!
And, so, let's be compassionate and let the Culbec off the hook here, now - one more time...
(For the time being, that is!)
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Brave... Bold... and Lost.
Who in the blue blazes of a (normally) four-color world (!) would have thought those three qualitatives would have ever befitted anyone - or anything? But they certainly do: and, in this particular case, they befit a blog, too! A magnificent blog that jams together creativity, digital wizardry and a wee bit of fanaticism (lest we call it ''fanboyism'' as in ''these ain't your daddy's comic-bookies, fanboy!'' said Lobo, lo, some two decades ago! Already! Whew... But let's just not go there now.) and it all comes out at the other end as, well, this:
You get the basic idea...!
My favorites have got to be those creations
that gather up half-a-dozen or so
of those ''birds of a feather''
sticking together -again?-
for the first time...!
The creator of these specializes in something else,
however - namely team-ups that time forgot
simply because, in truth, they never occurred!
Hence the ''Brave & The Bold Lost Issues''
title for the blog in question...
Note that, despite this, the template
so evidently used over and over again
for each and every of these ''lost issues''
remains DC's old ''SUPER-TEAM FAMILY''
Oh well -
why look the gift horse in the mouth?
Fantastic creativity
and serious knowledge of all of these
characters' oft-extremely complicated
''back-stories'' and then some -
makes this ''braveboldlost'' blog
one of the most unique,
and very best
in all of the blogosphere -
If Blogger itself hasn't said it
-or won't say it-
By Jove, I shall...
Bravo, BraveBoldLost Ross - Bravo!
You may not draw your images yourself like Alex does,
Ross - but each time you paste them together
you create unmistakable magic!
Check it out -
it is updated very frequently!
In closing, some priceless examples
of those forgotten crossovers...
Am I right, folks -
am I right?!?