Ethical Quest
In the tail end of its journey now (an epic odyssey aimed at raising funds for a, quite obviously, non-lucrative organization whose main objective is to promote the better -more efficient, too- approach to the fine art of volunteering) ''TEV'' is looking at collecting thousands of euros in order to further both their objective as their volunteering worldwide. From a goal of 30,000, they will most likely to settle for a lot less than half of that: the two-and-a-half weeks they gave themselves to enthuse all the enthusiasts into participating has yielded some results, sure, but far less than hoped for - about 10% of that hope, to be more precise. They had set their minimum goal at 30,000 and, now, will likely have to struggle to find the rest of the sum, having only four days left to hope that it will pop up through some generous donors (we have to make it plural - although, it would suffice of but one wealthy mécène to come forth in order to absorb all of the costs of a very sustainable project indeed. The odds of this happening are extremely slim, evidently - for most will ask what's in it for me and fail to see what such concrete actions, across the globe, are truly all about. Still, the scope of the project, the well-thought out planning and the partnership with Worldwide Helpers looks extremely promising for the future - and there is ample reason here to believe that more and more will, in time, be joining this great endeavour, the brainchild of, essentially, four individuals: Dublin-born Sarah Carroll, Bob Kelly, Steve McElhinney and Martin Fox. This extraordinary quartet has got some films already made and ready to be viewed on my favorite website of the genre: vimeo! Of course, you can also find them on the competition: youtube - with part one of their ''grassroots projects'' titled Fisherman's Rest to be found here. We can only say bravo to all of these brave individuals (including the many anonymous ones - yes, we dared say the buzz word, ''anonymous'', and tag it to the fine peeps that want to be Helpers, Worldwide...!) and more power, courage and ingenuity to you all!