Friday, June 15, 2012
Okay - technically, it is not a blog but rather an ongoing, never-ending process of sharing funny and even thought-provoking material. Heck, some of it might even be deemed to be quite provocative too! However, once again, unlike the Blogger staff, I am not bound nor limited by their very narrow definition of what can be a "blog of note" - or one to denote, for that matter! I am not obliged to stick to a very limiting, restrictive and downright obtuse list of criteria here...! Quite obviously, also, any provocative factor that there may be here does come with the territory: not just because it is to be found on the number one social networking site of them all, Facebook, but most of all due to its very own style and raison d'être...! We do have a grouping based upon the theme of sarcasm here, after all - and that alone demands a certain degree of provocation to be attained! Sarcastic witticisms also imply shocking but not for mere shock value's sake, no - it is done to make you think, reflect about issues and topics that are impacting your lives right here and now. Finally, sarcasm does indeed make up for various hindrances that we have in our day-to-day little battles that we wage out there, just for fun or out of sheer duty really: for it is exactly as the very name of the group states, Aye, it is, and even if it may come as somewhat of a shock (again) to your system, there are certain rules, codes of conduct, boring, trite and utterly archaic decorum that prevents each and every single one of us from beating the tar out of several tarnished individuals that sorely need it indeed. That is why we all have to resort to the power of sarcasm - to safely do what must be done, while nobody gets hurt (not too much, anyhow!)
Until they make it illegal to use such a power, too (and such a time is not too distant, my friends -see, that is sarcasm right there!- for I have seen the harbingers of such a not-so-distant bleakness already rearing their ugly heads on the horizon indeed, on a recent passage through American customs to be more specific, the State of NY shared border with Ca-Nada to be even more precise...!
Aye, sarcasm is on the verse of being outlawed; so make abundant use of it now, while you still can!
Let it just stay on the cusp there a while longer - so that I can cuspir all I want at the haters, misunderstanding troglodytes and other assorted asinine intellects that act all outraged at the mere mention of sarcasm...!
Kudos to the founder(s) of such a brilliant (if not, quote/end quote, quite luminous) group...!