Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just ONE DOLLAR... can you spare that? It'll make (up) someone's day!

One Dollar, One Buck, One Pound, One Euro - same difference!!!

What a novel idea - and every economical individual's dream come true too: to be able to live off a single dollar each and every day! It might have been possible once upon a time, a long time ago, but not quite so these days, even to the most frugal soul among us... Or so we all thought until a couple came along and tried it out: buying by the bulk no more than thirty dollars' worth of goods for a whole month! They ate a lot of oatmeal, I hear... It wasn't easy... And they lost a lot of weight (which was most probably their goal all along - aside from claiming their moment of fame and TV time, which they got in spades.)
Most importantly of all, they proved their point: it still can be done, to get by while "wasting" only ONE BUCK a day!

Penny-pinchers across the land can rejoice.


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