Patti portends that 37 days of focus into anything could greatly help us improve our lives. And she wants us to put it into practice too. For 37 days Patti, at 19 - when her father died (pictured above) at first - and even for a lifetime, whatever that happens to be for each one of us - and we all have different amounts of time left on our individual tickers... That way, we'll surely live much more productive, proactive, pro-everything lives...! I magine the difference it could make...
Her blog's raison d'être is very touching too; in her own words, "in October of 2003, my stepfather was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died 37 days later."
Hence the name of the blog.
My own father's passing was not my inspiration for blogging per se - but it sure is a newfound drive and inspiration for me as well in my writing and everything I do now. I think of him with most every word I jot down or utter - and I strive to make him proud. Thus, I sure do know where she is coming from with this "mission" she's on...
Her blog is one of the most inspirational ones around - ever! I discovered it seven months into my own bereavement...
Patti today (pictured at right)
Do yourselves a favor too - and drop by 37 days
You'll be glad you did. 
for website adequacy