Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Guardian's Year-End Review

Okay there, you bloody blogger blokes -
this is not technically a ''blog'' 
that we are showcasing here this time out: 
it is a glog! 
As in Guardian's Log...?

Britain's usually stuffy and traditionalistic daily 
displayed its sense of humor in brilliant fashion 
with a year-end video montage 
that runs a little over five minutes 
and sums up everything 2012 
under the Briton sun, that is! 
Here is their summary of the video in question 
(which they even made embeddable - wow! 
The Brits will never cease to amaze, will they?) 
and you will immediately see 
that it truly is all under the English perception:

Some of the most popular videos of the year, 
including Olympic madness; Nick Clegg's musical apology; 
Prince Charles's weatherman audition; 
and Felix Baumgartner's jump into history. 
Elsewhere Boris Johnson gets caught on a zipwire; 
Sacha Baron-Cohen spills Kim Jong-il; 
Jeremy Hunt loses the end of his bell; 
Joey Barton auditions for 'Allo 'Allo; 
and everyone else channels Gangnam Style

And now - enjoy the video!
(For as long as The Guardian allows...!)



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