Friday, November 16, 2012

My Blog Can Beat Your Blog

Forget about the Daddy-O's (or Daddy's Hoes?) now - the new trend is to oppose bloggety-vloggety blogs these days, in the ongoing (and ever-raging) hormonal disbalance that leads, some, to go on pointless streaks of unbridled rivalry with people they don't even know!

Mind you, that is how a great many devastating wars started out in humankind's history - but that is another story!

And so - why weed through the web trying to sieve out the best bloggies - when others pretend to have done just that already?  Aye, sirs and dames, the alleged best blogs around have already been singled out from the billions upon billions of them (considering that we are quite a huge number with internet access on this mudball in space, at blogging time, and that, again, some of us have in excess of 30 blogs apiece - it can be assumed that the total number of blogs might have reached astronomical numbers indeed. Imagine the bugs that could occasionate, too!  Another story entirely - again... So let's move on!)

The honor has to go, at this time hence, to the time-honored and all-around timely periodical in total and complete synch with its times... TIME Magazine - and its annual lists of the purported-to-be ''best blogs around''...  Here is the list of 2011's nominees...

The Time magazine staff has probably grown quite cynical with, ah, time indeed - seeing their readership sharply declining while blogs multiplied like rabbits (they would say ''like fungi'' probably at this... time) could have done that, surely - for they even have a category in there titled ''BLOGS WE COULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT''...   Me, I am just surprised they don't say that about ALL of them...! But that's another affair...

Next up, the most meaningful list for me would have to be this one: Canada's best blog list. Duh. For I am, alas, a Canadian (still coming to terms with that fact - I swear to you, it is NOT easy...)

How cute is that little beaver in the left corner there, waving its little flag, its little tail out of sight but surely wiggling in total and complete sheer happiness of being CANADIAN... eh?
Okay - let's not go there...

Last and most definitely last because it is of the least importance:  the Bloggers' Choice Awards. Now, the Bloggers' Choice Awards is not like the People's Choice Awards in many ways - the uttermost proof of that is obtained when you try and access their site and get this instead:


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Apache Server at Port 80

What can of bloggerbull is this...?!?  Are these peeps so delusional now that they act as if they were a special category of elite users of free online services or what...?!?  Sheesh!!!

There are others to be found out there, on the wild, wild web - plenty of other fools who will be praising their buddies' blogs and their idols' vlogs - Technorati, Canadian Living, Best Health Magazine - all probably trying to quite sheepishly collaborate with what might drive them all out of business otherwise...?

It is interesting to note, too, that amongst all of these blogs, even if a great many of them are to be found out as ''industry blogs'' catering to a specific crowd, not one of them is a ''disguised blog'' - y'know what I mean? One of those blogs that, in olden days, would have been no more, no less than ''filler'' material in countless dime-a-dozen rags, sold as impulse purchases near the cashes at any given dreary drugstore, grocery store or convenience store!  The sort of blogs that are Yahoo blogs for instance - filler that is, now, given away for free on the internet but was, once upon a time, as vital to the success of a tabloid or a magazine as shocking headlines and sleazy pictures or promises thereof...!  But we're digressing again, methinks...!

And then we could make a quick mention of blogging services providers - but that's for another blog post, really!

As far as the best blog goes though - is there any other to conclude than this way right here:

(or - ''my blog is king!'')



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