Monday, September 10, 2012

The Greatest Blog Ever - Eh?

Joe Craven (pardon - The Joseph Craven) claims to have been putting together ''the greatest blog of all time'' for quite some, ah, time now... What is it called, you ask? Well, it is called ''the greatest blog of all time'' - what else can it be called?!?

Although Joe refers to it as his ''g-boat'' himself...  Sorry, as ''the g-boat'' really...

Joe's boat (and whatever floats it) has enough to charm the masses, indeed: the man is multi-talented (where I come from, they call that condition ''être un touche-à-tout'' - it is serious!) and he has, just like me, an opinion about everything. His blog has a very bare presentation, lots of open spaces and you have to click on the ''read more'' in order to see the entire post: kudos for that ''preview intro page'' thus, Joe! Minimalistic and concise. Nice touch.

With minimalism being the key word (as far as the presentation is concerned) this blog presents a variety of subjects in different styles and with different approaches too. Heck, Joe even has guest bloggers from time to time! As for his own posts, they run the gamut from comical fare, reviews and opinion pieces all the way to far more introspective ravings, philosophical musings and deep, deep, ever-so-deep thoughts...!  If you click now on this link and check out the latest flurry of activity on this ''gboat'' you will indeed get a little sample of all that - and more!  (The more being a tiny bit of hoopla and fanfare surrounding some podcast thing Joe participated in - as we stated before, the approach is very minimalistic and so you don't have to fear huge amounts of publicity here: the blog is bare of them, with only one single sidebar such thingie there to report, hence, you can survive an extra post devoted to publicizing something that is not made for a hell-of-a-lot of profit- right? Right!)

Speaking of the sidebar of this ''g-boat'' - we cannot avoid a mention of one category there that stands out from the rest: it is called ''the tops''.  Now these are not the Four Tops, for damn sure!  Joe may be an old-fashioned type who belts out a cappella versions of ''I Believe In A Thing Called Love'' almost on cue - his tops are a trifle more contemporary... or simply weirder. For, in that group he reunites El Camino (?) with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Space Jam (what, is he looney, too?) and Nicolas Cage. Plus, as a bonus, his favorite film which would appear to be ''About Schmidt''.  Well, as they say and have been saying, at least, since the eighteenth century, ''tous les goûts sont dans la nature''   His fixation will all of these appears to be of a derisive nature, however, as (once again, if you click on the link now and read the latest batch of posts added to the boat, as of blogging time here, September 2012!) you will see for yourself how it goes with the thespian Cage, for instance...  Apparently, as far as Joe's boat goes, the entire body of work of Nicolas Cage (or, as he calls him, Sir N.C. - but as he been knighted, really? Maybe by those net-peeps who believe that he has been around for centuries... eh?  But that is another story...) such a body of work, thus, that has included quite a few gems, starting out so fine with Birdy, Moonstruck and Raising Arizona, adding Trespass, Kick-Ass and (gulp) Ghost Rider after that and, in recent years, outdoing 2012 (from perennial rival John Cusack) with the instant classic neo-thriller Knowing - well, according to Joe, all of this is laughable hogwash indeed (although he does phrase somewhat differently...)  And, well, Joe might have a point there... But that's another story, too!

On more bit of promotional fluff is to be denoted on that sidebar though - right below ''the tops'' there, Joe's greatest source of inspiration, quite visibly - and that is his Courtesy Laugh offering, on sale on iTunes. Tis a co-production from the four tops group that Joe belongs to himself, and I am sure that it is very good but... However, if this be a free download deemed to be better than a biscuit but not two biscuits, then it might not be my cup of tea... So, personally, I passed (for now) even though it is a free download and all...!  Sorry, Joe! And the other tops there...

All in all, as far as free fare goes, the ''greatest blog ever'' should suffice, for now, for most of us out here - to sample, once in a blue moon (no moonstruck reference here) all the trespasses (no Trespass reference here, really) against a thousand and one subject matters, many of which are serious matters, by this very odd and bizarre bird (no Birdy reference) that is one Joe Craven. No relation to Kraven or to the guy that became The Crow afterwards... I am sure.  But if there is... well... that would be telling (or, yes, knowing - you guessed it, I really dug that one Nicolas Cage film! Check it out! But that is another story - for another blog! Another of my blogs, that is!)

But to close, here, on this gboat vessel and all...
Well... Whatever floats your boat, Joe!
Whatever floats your boat...!

The boat is proudly powered by... WordPress, by the way!
(Kudos for owning your own address though, Joe - THE GBoat dot NET! Bravo!)

Say hello to Sir Nicholas for me...



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