Friday, November 30, 2007

Sensational Sabre

It seems like Blogger has a tooth against the productive ones, the avant-gardistes, the brave and the bold
- those who extend their service to the limit...?
Not quite sure, but I do not think that any one of Sabre's
many, many blogs, has in fact been picked up yet
for the supreme honor of being bestowed upon the
near-right of passage blogger merit of becoming
one of those "blogs of note" - a few of which I, in turn,
will analyze here, in "blogs to denote"...
And, of course, I do so to denounce their selection,
more often than not! ;)

However, with Sabre's many offerings -
and my own, in fact (I am admitting though
that Sabre has even more titles than I do -
and she remains strictly journalistic,
while I do take too many liberties with that... *lol*)
Blogger does NOT WANT TO admit that there is,
here as in Sabre-land, ample evidence of both "Q"s -
quantity AND quality!

Instead, they stubbornly
(pig-headedly, I'd rather say)
keep promoting, for a time, the odd little blog,
the itty-bitty weblog that is truly aimless...
as long as it is offbeat, trendy or just oddball funny!
And all that, surely, in a constant effort to
attract the everyman and the layman
to come to them, rather than the many
dastardly competitors out there -
WordPress and Bravenet
to name but the top two!

Do Sabre and Luminous Luciano
deserve to be ignored, though?

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