Is It Really All About M.E.? Well - YOU Decide!
As far as weblogs go - they don't get much better than this, I am sure!
In my effort to seek out blogs that are (unfortunately?) not powered by Blogger,
(it is, indeed, truly powered by DreamHost...!)
I found a veritable gem that had been, all this time, right under my nose...
Mark Evanier's weblog, that is!
Evanier and the late Gruenwald are the two Marks
that re-establish my faith in Marks
so undermined since the advent to prominence
of the Wahlberg, Damascus & Messier
messy varieties
(not to mention one or two personal acquaintances -
à bon entendeur, salut!)
Evanier is an old-timer and a traditionalist -
my kinda scribe and wordsmith!
He respects the likes of Jack Kirby, Bob Haney and Paul Norris -
for whom he posted heartfelt eulogies on the weblog we're reviewing here today -
and that puts him in my definite "ok guy" list!
Plus, he knows how to make his weblog
a place of profitable commerce
(or attempt at plugging stuff, anyhow)
as evidenced by this little vignette:

Okay - he just lucked out in that his initials
form the word "me" -
the above joke, which makes it sound as if he is
the ultimate sell-out, of a sort,
wrote itself out, really...!
But then, most honest creators
(like, for example, Paul Norris)
have admitted that their material
and characters truly do
"write themselves up" -
aye, by themselves!
But that is another story...
Having said all this, hence,
I would not encourage you to "BUY M.E."
- he who outright lies to you
by stating on his very first offering there
that comic-bookies are a "necessity of life"?
HA - no way, you Mark!
BUT... you run a good weblog! :)
(The place to be these days -
for up-to-the-minute coverage
of the Writers Strike!)

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